Helping Small Businesses Get Discovered

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Get Your Business Discovered


SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the key to getting found in an increasingly crowded online environment and should be a main focus in your website design. On a most basic level, SEO is designed to make your site easier to find online, thus increasing traffic. Ultimately, there is no sense in spending money to build your website if no one ever sees it. SEO requires a Multi-faceted approach.

1. SEO should be discussed at the beginning of any website design project. SEO will work best if it is fully integrated into the design and should not be considered an afterthought.

2. Planning is paramount. Consider what keywords you might want to target in search engines. This will be based on the products or services you offer. There are tools available to research various keywords to determine which ones you might want as your focus.

3. Know your target audience. SEO works best when you use the keywords your customers will be searching. Terminology within your industry might be one thing; but if you’re trying to get customers, you need to speak their lingo, not yours. Write for your users first, not search engines.

4. SEO isn’t a one-time need. Search engines are constantly updating their algorithms. What works now might not work in the future. SEO needs to be constantly evaluated and tweaked. SEO is a long-term commitment.

5. SEO doesn’t work instantly. Building SEO into your website won’t automatically get you to the top of the search engine rankings. Anyone who tells you otherwise will likely be using deceptive tactics that will eventually work against you. Small business and those that are new to the internet space will find that meeting their SEO goals can take several months. Don’t get discouraged.


Learn more from Google about SEO and how it works for your business.

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